” The wisdom of the body is so rich… We go to school and learn and learn and learn, but the brilliance inside each person is amazing.”
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between a mother’s ego strength, the sophistication of her body concept, and the accuracy of her perception of her child’s developmental behavior.
This document relates some of the relevant management system theories to Family Systems Theory and gives examples of ways in which Family Systems Theory prescribes the action necessary to work out the details of management and administration.
Employing Fogarty’s concepts of four dimensional self, expectations, and emptiness, this paper proposes to develop a theoretical rationale to support the hypothesis that a person who eventually burns out is often under great stress, exacerbated by unrealistic expectations dealt with by intensely pursuing people and jobs, and concurrently distancing from one’s loneliness, frustration, finiteness, and ultimately from the inevitability of one’s own frailty and death.
This paper explores the importance of tracing conflict in values systematically to identify those individuals or generations who dealt overtly with values conflict.
This paper develops a theoretical rationale, which has evolved while observing clients who have been willing and able to move into the middle phase of therapy. During this phase, a person explores more of one’s depth dimension moving one’s observations back and forth through the vertical or object dimension to the lateral or personal dimension and to the extended family for understanding, connection, and intimacy with reduced emotional, intellectual and personal fusion. In addition, the values, basic assumptions, belief system, and conceptual framework underlying one’s life are explored and taken back through the extended family to understand their formation.
This paper describes the importance of focusing on families as more than a group of individuals, which is different from the sum of their parts, and instead treating them as systems.
This study’s purpose was to identify family dysfunctions occurring within two years following the death of a family member.